"TAPE: Unveil the Memories" mysteries coming to Nintendo Switch

"TAPE: Unveil the Memories" mysteries coming to Nintendo Switch

TAPE: Unveil the Memories could be the most mysterious videogame ever developed in Spain, a cult work created by BlackChiliGoat Studio and awarded in several contests.


21. März 2023, von Thore Varga

Special Boxed Director’s Edition of Chilling First-Person Adventure TAPE: Unveil the Memories Now Available for PlayStation 5

Special Boxed Director’s Edition of Chilling First-Person Adventure TAPE: Unveil the Memories Now Available for PlayStation 5

Publisher Meridiem Games is thrilled to announce that a special boxed Director’s Edition of TAPE: Unveil the Memories is now available for PlayStation 5 from specialist retail outlets across Europe.


10. November 2022, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz