One week until One Special Day: Over 90 industry partners back SpecialEffect’s flagship fundraiser

One week until One Special Day: Over 90 industry partners back SpecialEffect’s flagship fundraiser

One week today, on Friday, 6 October, some of the biggest names from the worldwide games industry, including the likes of Xbox, Supercell and EA, are uniting behind SpecialEffect, the gamers’ charity, for their annual One Special Day flagship fundraising campaign.


29. September 2023, von Thore Varga

SpecialEffect Invite Gamers to Buy, Play and Donate on One Special Day

SpecialEffect Invite Gamers to Buy, Play and Donate on One Special Day

Today, some of the biggest names in the global games industry are uniting behind SpecialEffect, the gamers’ charity, for their annual One Special Day flagship fundraising campaign, including, for the first time this year, via SpecialEffect’s One Special Day Steam sale.


1. Oktober 2021, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz