It’s a Party in the USA; American Hero: Unrated Edition Launches Tomorrow

It’s a Party in the USA; American Hero: Unrated Edition Launches Tomorrow

To celebrate America Day, Ziggurat Interactive goes all-in with tomorrow’s release of American Hero: Unrated Edition on GOG!


3. Juli 2023, von Thore Varga

Ziggurat Interactive Revives a Lost Legend from the Atari Jaguar CD - American Hero - Coming to PC and Consoles This Summer

Ziggurat Interactive Revives a Lost Legend from the Atari Jaguar CD - American Hero - Coming to PC and Consoles This Summer

Today, publisher of retro-and-modern games, Ziggurat Interactive announced the upcoming release of the previously unfinished Atari Jaguar Full-Motion-Video (FMV) game, American Hero, for multiple digital platforms, and an exclusive physical release through Limited Run Games this summer.


25. Juni 2021, von Alex 'Alex B.' Börner