ZERO Sievert: New Modern Wolf title gets Steam Survival demo

Modern Wolf today announced that they’re bringing the post-apocalyptic top-down shooter ZERO Sievert to the Steam Survival Festival this week.

The announcement comes as the game joins the Modern Wolf pack-with an Early Access launch on Steam due later this year. Players will be able to experience the debut title from CABO Studio with its latest demo, now available on Steam.

Face the end of the world as you know it in ZERO Sievert. In this sparse wasteland, use the procedurally generated maps to loot for items, take out bandits and unlock the secrets hidden in the depths of five different biomes; over 30 unique guns and 150 mods can be combined to make you the biggest threat in the wastes.

“I am very excited about this collaboration and I definitely think I made the right choice for ZERO Sievert as Modern Wolf’s experience will definitely pay off and help me in making ZERO Sievert the best it can be,” says Luca Carbonera, from CABO Studio.

“Having played, and lost tens of hours to, ZERO Sievert during its Kickstarter campaign I knew that it was exactly the kind of game that would fit brilliantly into the Modern Wolf portfolio,” adds Alex Nicholson, Operations Director at Modern Wolf. “This is a project that is close to Luca's heart and we're very keen on supporting him in delivering that vision he's had from the start.”

When the odds are stacked against you, you’ll need to do more than survive.

The ZERO Sievert demo will be available to play for the duration of the Steam Survival Fest, running from August 1st to August 8th, 2022.

1. August 2022, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz