VR arcade basketball game In da Hoop! doubles its content with Crab’s Quest: Summer Shots pack

Three months since its release on Oculus Quest, Realcast‘s VR arcade basketball game In da Hoop! has more than doubled its content with the new Crab’s Quest: Summer Shots pack! Available for free on all versions of In da Hoop!, including Valve Index, HTC Vive, Windows Mixed Reality, Oculus Quest, Oculus Rift and Rift S, this update adds a huge host of content to keep players entertained as the Summer moves into Fall!

This latest 1.2 update had completely reworked the unlock system of the game to offer quicker access to its content. Additionally, this update offers a new set of levels called the “Crab’s Quest: Summer Shots” and a series of “special” levels, offering fresh game types such as Around the World, Snake, Invasion.

A new game mode called “Challenge” is a fun way to play the First & Summer levels with unique combinations for more fun, competition and fitness! This mode is the perfect place to challenge your friends online and prepares the arrival of the upcoming multiplayer online feature!

“We listened to the In da Hoop! community as some of them were proposed by our players!” said Realcast Creative Director, Diego Fernandez-Bravo. “Another feedback we implemented is adding more music to the game. We hope you like the new tunes! Have fun with this update and prepare for more surprises in 2021!”

In da Hoop! v1.2 update features:

  • 11 new levels: Drums, Pinball, Circus ...

  • 3 specials with unique gameplay: Around the World, Snake, Invasion

  • A Challenge game mode that combines levels for longer, more competitive, and physical sessions

  • A more generous unlocking system

  • Added tunes

  • New ball options

In da Hoop! is currently available on the Oculus Quest Store, and on Steam VR for Valve Index, HTC Vive, Windows Mixed Reality, Oculus Quest, Rift and Rift S at a time-limited reduced price of $9.99, £7,99, €9.99 until the next major update in Q4 2021. A PlayStation VR version is currently in development.

15. September 2021, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz