Stardock Releases Warlords Expansion for Galactic Civilizations IV

Stardock has released a major expansion pack for its popular space 4X game, Galactic Civilizations® IV. Galactic Civilizations IV: Warlords adds a host of new features including War Aims, Combat Doctrines, Invasion Tactics, New Ship Components, New Technologies, a new Battle Viewer and much more.

Galactic Civilizations IV Video
Alongside the expansion pack, Stardock has also released version 2.5, a major free update for fans of the series which has a host of new features, user experience improvements, AI updates and an improved trade system.

"We've been wanting to revisit how space combat works in the game for a long time," said Brad Wardell, Creative Director at Stardock. "We know a lot of our players are fans of military history as well as how various naval and aviation systems are developed and wanted to really incorporate some of that thinking into the game."

To that end, Warlord Features include:

  • Combat Doctrines. Players can now create custom ship classes by assigning a ship type (such as a Destroyer) with a doctrine which determines how that ship type is used in combat including targeting preferences, operational abilities and more.

  • War Aims. Since the original Galactic Civilizations was released - over 30 years ago, declaring war meant the war would go on until one side negotiated a peace. In Warlords players can choose War Aims which allow each side to engage in wars of more limited scope.

  • Invasion Tactics. Previously, players who wanted to invade a planet had only one way to do it: Boots on the ground. Warlords adds a host of additional options such as biological attacks, propaganda, mass driver attacks and more.

  • Lots of New Ship Components. Warlords adds new exotic weapon and defense modules such as cloaking devices as well as weapons that affect the flow of time. The v2.5 update also includes many new components to allow for more interesting ship designs rather than merely a "stat buff".

  • New Battle Viewer. Players can now get a real-time, per-ship engagement log in the battle viewer. Players can see how their ship designs performed during combat and adjust both future designs as well as adjustments to doctrine after the fact.

18. April 2024, von Thore Varga