Sony Interactive Entertainment executive and industry legend Shuhei Yoshida will receive the BIG Conference honorary award

The Bilbao International Games Conference (BIG Conference) will grant industry legend and Sony Interactive Entertainment executive Shuhei Yoshida its first honorary award. Yoshida will join BIG Conference's co-director Antonio Santo for a fireside chat on Saturday, November 19, at noon.

This prize will pay tribute to an industry icon that helped establish the PlayStation brand when he joined the team responsible to design Sony's first home console in 1993. Yoshida has always been a key figure for PlayStation (he was appointed Vice President in 2000, then Senior Vice President in 2007) until he took the role of President of SIE Worldwide Studios, then called Sony Computer Entertainment, a position he held from 2008 to 2019. Today, Shuhei Yoshida still enjoys his passion for video games working closely with indie developers all over the world, focusing on giving them advice and encouraging them to explore new and unexpected experiences that will help the gaming industry push its limits.

11. November 2022, von Thore Varga