Songs of Silence wins big at Digital Vikings

We are absolutely delighted to announce that Songs of Silence won the award for the Best Upcoming Game at the Digital Vikings awards show at DevGamm in Gdansk last night!

We knew it, you knew it, but now it's official - we're the best! And we got an amazing trophy to show it off. Massive thanks to the show's organisers and the jury.

The award ceremony was held last night (February 28th) at an evening event after the DevGamm show in Gdansk. Chimera team members Krzysztof Jasiulewicz and Olek Trepala were there in person to collect the award. You can watch the recording of the award ceremony here.

"We are so, so proud to receive this award, especially as we approach the launch of our Kickstarter campaign," said Creative Director Alex Kehr. "To have the hard work of the team recognised in this way makes a huge difference, this prize belongs to everyone involved in the development of Songs of Silence."

Songs of Silence is a fantasy 4X title that combines stunning visuals, immersive storytelling, and enchanting musical elements. Songs of Silence is a story-rich strategy game for PC and console. It offers fast-paced campaigns - with maps you can complete in an evening; intense, dynamic battlefield combat; and stunning Art Nouveau visuals.

Preregistration for the game's upcoming Kickstarter campaign can be found here.

29. Februar 2024, von Thore Varga