Multiplayer Social Deduction Game First Class Troubleshooting Headsets to Early Access

Independent developer Invisible Walls ApS in partnership with indie publisher Versus Evil are excited to announce that their multiplayer social deduction game First Class Trouble will be coming to Steam Early Access on April 8th.

The announcement appeared in-game as part of the St. Patrick’s Day playtest event, which is open to the public now until March 18th.

Taking place in an alternate 1950’s universe, First Class Trouble is a multiplayer social deduction game where six players must work together to shut down C.A.I.N., the rogue A.I. of a failing luxury space cruise-liner that is trying to kill them. Two of the six players are chosen at random to secretly play as Personoids, killer humanoids sent by C.A.I.N. to betray the other players.

Collaboration and quick thinking is at the heart of the gameplay and means friends will need to perform co-operative tasks to proceed through the maps, making use of keycards to access other areas and utilizing the various items around them. Personoids posing as passengers will cast doubt and cause trust issues in the midst of the group as the inevitable chaos ensues. The varied map environments allow for hilarious moments: players will be dumping each other out of airlocks, pushing each other into spa pools, locking each other into freezers, and tossing bottles of alcohol at each other’s heads.

Further details to bring First Class Trouble to consoles will be announced by Versus Evil and Invisible Walls ApS later this year.

17. März 2021, von Alex 'Alex B.' Börner