Electrician Simulator goes Smart on 31st May!

The latest Smart Devices DLC expansion for Electrician Simulator launches the era of smart electrical solutions. Explore the fascinating world of smart sockets, speakers, cameras, light bulbs and many other advanced devices for an extraordinary virtual electrician experience.

The DLC offers the opportunity to explore the fascinating world of smart devices, providing exciting challenges and unlimited possibilities that even the most experienced electricians could only dream of!

The main new mechanic is the use of Logic Modifiers - these act like logic gates and allow you to chain them together to change the behavior of electrical objects - for example, a motion sensor can cause objects to act (turn on light bulbs, wake up computers).

The reputation of our electrician has spread beyond his hometown. The hero receives an email from a company owner based in an office building in a nearby town. The deal is simple - make the electricity bills lower.

18. Mai 2023, von Thore Varga