101XP announces the release of the playable demo for The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante RPG

Sever Studio together with the 101XP publishing team announce the release of the playable demo for the narrative-driven RPG The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante. Players are welcome to the dark and gritty fantasy world plagued with universal injustice and governed by cruel laws. A world that comes to life on the pages of the protagonist's journal.

Sir Brante begins his life path as a member of the lowest estate. Deprived of every right and expected to accept the Lot of the lowborn - to suffer and toil away for the benefit of others, the titular character is faced with an eternal dilemma: to go with the flow or to fight and attempt to change his own destiny. What price does one have to pay to find their true purpose?

Key features

  • Learn from your mistakes

    • One of the game's fundamental mechanics is its non-linear storyline where every twist of the plot depends on player choice. There is no single right path in this life-long journey from one's birth until true death, but sooner or later you will be held accountable for your every decision.

  • Build spiritual connections

    • From the earliest years of his life, your hero's environment will shape his personality, determine his skills, and affect his willpower. Meeting new characters might hint at hitherto unexpected possibilities and unlock new paths. Only time can tell where a blooming friendship or a growing rivalry may take you.

  • Discover new plotlines

    • The game's story will be forged by the combination of decisions, dialogue options, and skills you have chosen over the course of your character's life. Will you become a nobleman, a humble inquisitor, an underground mastermind ... Or select a different fate for yourself altogether? This will directly determine your place in the grand scheme of things and your role in future cataclysmic events.

The game's soundtrack was composed by Vasily "Mushroomer" Kashnikov, well known for his previous work on such titles as Pathologic 2 and The Void.

Add the game to your wishlist and follow the news on social media. Don't miss the official release!

23. September 2020, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz