Special Boxed Edition of Fury Unleashed - Bang!! Edition Out Today for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch Across Europe

Special Boxed Edition of Fury Unleashed - Bang!! Edition Out Today for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch Across Europe

Publisher Meridiem Games and publisher and developer Awesome Games Studio are thrilled to announce the special boxed edition of Fury Unleashed - Bang!! Edition, the combo-based roguelite action platformer, is now available for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.


19. Oktober 2022, von Thore Varga

Awesome Games Studio is taking Fury Unleashed to a Whole New Level

Awesome Games Studio is taking Fury Unleashed to a Whole New Level

Fury Unleashed-the action-packed, roguelike platformer set in the pages of a living comic book-launched on consoles and PC just last month. Since then, Awesome Games Studio has been hard at work, and this is the perfect time for anyone who took a pass on Fury Unleashed at launch to take a second look at this combo-driven, comic book adventure. Awesome Games Studio is thrilled to release a new, five-minute ‘Fury Unleashed-Explained’ video outlining all the exciting gameplay elements and hand-drawn art style featured in the game.


5. Juni 2020, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz

Ankündigung Yet Another Zombie Defense HD

Ankündigung Yet Another Zombie Defense HD

Zombies ... Zombies überall ... Und sie sind nicht hier, um bei einer Tasse Tee über die Bürgerrechte der Untoten zu sprechen. Oh, nein, mein Herr. Sie sind hier, um zu zerreißen, zu beißen, zu verschlingen und sich in deinem Gehirn zu vergnügen. Also, Sie haben zwei Möglichkeiten: 1) Gib auf und stirb, oder 2) Gib nicht auf und stirb. Der Unterschied zwischen den beiden? Bestenlisten! Es dreht sich alles um die Bestenlisten.


23. Juli 2018, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz