Excitement is brewing as Sprout Valley gears up to participate in this year's Steam Farming Fest!

Outside the window, spring has already begun in earnest, and in the magical land of Ostera, preparations have begun in advance of the upcoming Farming Fest!

Cozy simulator created by Vadzim Liakovich and published by RedDeer.Games is taking part in this year's celebration of agricultural games on the Steam platform, from April 29 to May 6. Discover all that Sprout Valley has to offer, especially since we celebrating Farming Fest, and the new DLC is availible!

Sprout Valley is a charming gardening simulation where players cultivate their own lush garden paradise. Players embark on a journey to nurture plants, care for adorable critters, and uncover the mysteries hidden within the sprawling expanse.

With its blend of simulation and adventure elements, the game provides a serene and enchanting experience, encouraging players to explore, create, and connect with the natural world.

And finally, regarding the previously announced surprise! The developers are happy to announce that Sprout Valley, has received the eagerly awaited Cows DLC. This exciting addition introduces players to a delightful bovine experience, complete with adorable baby cows and the promise of delicious cheese-making opportunities.

The Cows DLC is now available for download on the Nintendo eShop, and Steam inviting players to immerse themselves in the bucolic beauty of Sprout Valley and forge meaningful connections with its newest inhabitants.

From the joy of nurturing baby cows to the satisfaction of crafting your dairy delights, there's something for everyone to enjoy in this latest expansion.

30. April 2024, von Thore Varga