S.T.A.L.K.E.R. The Board Game

Exciting news for tabletop and video gaming enthusiasts!
GSC Game World in partnership with Awaken Realms are proud to announce the launch of the tabletop expansion of one of Ukraine's most popular video game franchises. The crowdfunding campaign will kick off in late Q2 2023 on Gamefound.com.

The board game will allow 1-4 players to experience the thrill of the cult classic franchise, where each player controls one stalker character. This cooperative "Zone-crawling" story-driven game is based on stories from the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, and promises to be a thrilling experience. Each story will consist of 2-4 scenarios to play through, with each scenario expected to take approximately 2 hours to complete. Each stalker will be a unique character that will be able to upgrade its gear as well as skills between different scenarios so there will be something special for everyone and each playthrough.

Get ready to undertake stealth missions, tactical gunfights, retrieval missions, artifact hunting, navigating through dangerous anomalies, fighting mutants and more!

Check out its trailer to catch the vibes of renowned S.T.A.L.K.E.R. universe in a new, tabletop format:

Awaken Realms, known for their commitment to high-quality standards in the industry, will be providing top-notch components and models that will immerse you into the harsh and cruel Zone. A heavy atmosphere with sinister vibes and amazing immersion of the cult classic will now be introduced to the board gaming community.
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12. März 2023, von Thore Varga