Out Today | New Unity of Command II DLC Kursk

Unity of Command II reaches it's 8th DLC! One of the most successful wargame series ever released. It is OUT TODAY on Steam at 7 pm CEST / 10 am PST for $11.99.

It is time to immerse yourself in the legendary tank engagements around the Kursk salient in 1943. Kursk is a rich DLC with two complete campaigns (Soviet and German) plus two separate alt-history tracks in the German campaign!

An epic struggle reaching its apex

It's the summer of 1943, and the Kursk salient marks the westernmost point the Red Army managed to take and hold in the winter campaign.

When that white-knuckle struggle finally subsided in March, both sides were too exhausted for decisive strategic action. The Soviets, anticipating a German attack in this direction, turned to defensive preparations and a build-up of mechanized troops, artillery shells, and strategic reserves. By July, they were ready to meet the vaunted German panzers head-on.

Kursk DLC covers not only the legendary tank engagements such as Prokhorovka, Kutuzov, and Ruymantsev, but it also dives deep into lesser-known battles of the 1943 Soviet campaign. Battles on the Mius, around Smolensk, and along the Black Sea coast are all featured, ending in a string of do-or-die actions to reach the Dnieper crossings.
[vKey Features of the Kursk DLC]

  • 16-scenario Soviet Kursk campaign, starting with the defensive action at Prokhorovka and covering every significant Soviet battle until the end of 1943.

  • Zitadelle 43, a 15-scenario German campaign, featuring the initial German attack and the most important counterattacks up to the battles for Korsun Pocket in early 1944.

  • Two separate alt-history tracks in the German campaign, one of which takes you all the way to the Mediterranean!

  • New models for Soviet late-war infantry and guards, and several new winter skins for SS, Wehrmacht, and Finnish armored units.


20. Oktober 2023, von Thore Varga