Narratives Adventure 'Lost At Sea' für Next Gen und PC angekündigt, entwickelt von Studio Fizbin

Headup kündigt Lost At Sea für Konsolen der nächsten Generation und PC an. Das Spiel wird entwickelt von Studio Fizbin, den von Kritikern gefeierten Schöpfern der beliebten The Inner World-Spiele und dem Studio hinter Minute Of Islands, das beim Indie Game Fest 2020 ehrenvolle Erwähnung fand.

Mit ihrem bevorstehenden narrativen Abenteuer Lost At Sea schlagen die Entwickler eine ganz neue Richtung ein: Ego-Person-Gameplay, freie Erkundung und zum ersten Mal in ihren Spielen, unmittelbar drohende Gefahr.

Lost At Sea ist ein Spiel über das Leben. Es geht um die Reise, die wir alle unternehmen, und um das Monster, dem wir alle gegenüberstehen. Die Spieler erforschen eine wunderschöne Insel und stellen sich ihrer Angst, um sich Momenten bewusst zu werden, die uns alle verbinden und die das Leben für jeden von uns lebenswert machen. Woran wirst du dich erinnern, wenn du spielst? Wie willst du dein Leben leben?

Sieht dir unseren brandneuen gamescom Trailer an:

About Lost At Sea

Lost At Sea is a game about life. A game about every one of us and the incredible adventure we all take part in.

Love, friendship, family, career, freedom. No matter who we are or where we come from, these are the things that make life worth living for all of us. And we are all afraid that something will take these things away or take us away, before we have experienced every single bit of it. But death is inevitable, to be afraid of it doesn't make sense. And the more we experience, the more we know and remember - the more the fear of death loses its power.

Set on a beautiful island, where every biome represents a phase of life, you will explore your surroundings and solve riddles to reclaim your memories, while the fear of death is hunting you, trying to take you to the other side before you have tasted life. In the end, this is a game about the things you want to remember, the things you wish for and life as a whole. What are the most important moments of your life?


  • The big questions: If you ever thought about what makes life worth living - this game is for you

  • Island of the mind: Explore the different phases of your life, each of them with its own beautiful biome on the island

  • Remember in style: Gorgeous illustrations capture the essence of your most important moments

  • Face your fears: We all have those dark moments that we can't quite explain and that emerge out of nowhere in life - and on the island

Games to remember: Unlock your memories with specifically designed minigames and puzzles that capture the memory in gameplay
Heartfelt sound: The audio in Lost at Sea triggers your memories and emotions in a way we can't quite explain but really love

26. August 2020, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz

Headup Games


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