"TAPE: Unveil the Memories" mysteries coming to Nintendo Switch

TAPE: Unveil the Memories could be the most mysterious videogame ever developed in Spain, a cult work created by BlackChiliGoat Studio and awarded in several contests.

The only thing that is not a mystery is its release date on Nintendo Switch: Good news!

You have it available on April 14.

Now that you know its release date on Nintendo Switch, let's tell you everything you still don't know. That is, everything that hides the narrative of this fantastic game set in the deep Galicia of the late twentieth century. A Twin Peaks very ours, riddled with innovative mechanics that will force you to explore reality, outside the game, until you turn your head upside down.

While in Seattle young people copy Nirvana tapes, in Antumbria, young Iria receives a much more important tape. A VHS her father sends her with a distress message. Who was her father? A famous horror film director. To help him, Iria will have to explore her own memory thanks to a very special tool: an old video camera with which she will discover the dangerous secrets lurking in her past. With the camera, she will be able to influence the environment, moving backwards, forwards or pausing the elements of the enviroment.
As we say, TAPE: Unveil the Memories is on its way to becoming a cult game. It also received the award for most innovative game at the PlayStation Awards 2017, best elevator pitch at the Guerrilla Game Festival 2019, best game at the Dev Contact 2018 and best narrative design award at the DevJuego 2022 awards. And now you can enjoy it on Nintendo Switch.

Featured content:

  • A narrative typical of the best Stephen King, which will delight mystery lovers, with twists and turns that will blow your mind.

  • Original mechanics: never before has a puzzle surprised you so much.

  • Set in an enigmatic scenario with which you will identify.

  • Excellent OST.

  • Available on Nintendo Switch from April 14, you can add it to your wishlist now.

  • Also available on PS4, PS5 and PC.

21. März 2023, von Thore Varga